I just can’t believe they were able to pull this all off.

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As soon as they saw people hoarding toilet paper in response to a perceived pandemic, they knew they were home free.

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With WHO bucking for total control over all nation's healthcare, Monkey pox being blown up again, universal digital ID, mRNA being added to cattle and milk, we are a long way from getting out of the woods.

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Not certain that we ever will. Might be time for the curtain to fall???

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And all the shedding the perpetual spike , LNP & contamination is causing all the un jected. That is endless. And we are all susceptible even without having a reaction. Mucroclotting , myocarditis in pilots who are not jabbed are developing myocarditis from being exposed to their jabbed co pilots in the cockpit from shedding. - every single person needs to remain on a detoxing regimen. And as along as one individual who believes in these disease causing injections the shedding will continue.

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Then why T F are they still promoting the shots? I bet they're just getting ready for the next PLANDEMIC. Time to try and gallow the mass murderers!

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So, how do they plan to explain away something they claimed was an emergency, but is now just a seasonal bug?

Everyone needs to check out The Spars Pandemic Scenario. All of this has been gamed out from the onset.


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Thanks for this, Peter.

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Would love to see an update on the article extended to current - or better yet, a website that is always up to date. Thank you for assembling the data.

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"Flu-like" is a term that underlines one of the problems in the general public in the pandemic. Only about 40% of Americans graduating from high school are college bound, only about six percent of those major in biology and only about two percent of those continue on to graduate studies. And there was a 40-page. report published after 1,800 teams of at least five epidemiologists, essentially a combined baccalaureate and master's program of study, in which it was stated in plain English with regards to children that the incidence of COVID-19 among children, representing only about 2.4% of 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases in China--19 times more cases examined than yet reported in the entire U.S. by mid-March 2020--was less than the flu.

The secondary attack rate of the flu, H1N1, is between 20 and 40%, but they found a secondary attack rate between 0.9 and 4.6%, 12 times too low to validate the existence of a highly contagious disease capable of setting off a super spreader event, and concluded "it is not clear whether this correlates with the presence of an infectious virus", a finding revalidated in the largest sample size trace contacts study on the first variant, and granted credibility by the consistent findings throughout the pandemic of "no wider community spread."

That is about the acceptance rate at Harvard University, or your chance of winning a 35 to 1 payout betting on a two number combination in American roulette. That disease can neither escape from a laboratory nor zoonotically evolve into a pandemic, and could only have been deployed.

Failure to develop a clear and accurate threat picture leaves you open to attack, and adversaries love it when their enemy helps them defeat them.

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Guess they don't need to do it that way anymore. They are going to put it into our food. Beef, cows. We already know when given to pregnant mothers, its finds its way into breast milk.

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In my opinion, this is meaningless for two reasons: 1) Biden already said there’s going to be a new pandemic this year, and 2) direct jabs are not accepted so they’ve gotten food producers to inject/add the mRNA poison into their food products.

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