Counties and cities :)

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Peter Halligan, did you know if you click & hold on the chart & select open in a new tab, you can enlarge the chart on the new tab. I only learned that a few months back from a kind online person, it helps a lot.

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Interesting, thank you.

Given Australia and NZ have followed near perfect concordance in excess weekly deaths above the 2015/19 mean since 2020, a trajectory that is the practical inverse of Sweden, it is a pity that these data were not included. Whatever is going on DownUnder is clearly nothing like Sweden, although Denmark (with its high vaxx rate) appears to eclipse OZ and NZ slightly.


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Thank you Ben.

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I would like the months they rolled out the different vaxx in each country. In Denmark many people died short after 2 and 3, especially Dec 2022 with a record high 35 % excess mortality, where the vaxx started in sep 2022.

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"cumulative age-standartized" - why does that graph go down in some places? How can a cumulative graph ever go down? And what's age-standardized? Do you treat people as un-dying somehow? You can't age-standardize death. Where is this data coming from, anyway? Pretty pictures, but... unreliable and unbelievable, therefore untrue. Does your baseline account for population growth? You have a graph of "excess deaths", but its meaningless (other than to induce fear), it must be per 100k. You're lying with statistics.

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