Dear Ben. Thanks for the article. If you are looking for an argument that Zero Covid startegy did not stop the spread look at Taiwan.
Taiwan was often used as an example that zero covid works. Correct is that after the start of Covid the spread stopped and that Taiwan had strict meassurments. But Data taken after the spread had stopped showed that Taiwan missed approx. 90% of the infected persons. Allthough they did a lot of testing 90% slipped through. If 90% slip through and are not put in quarantine the spread had not been stopped by the meassurments. I wrote a short artcicle about it. I know you speak German the rest has to use google translate. The credits for that finding belong to Zacki on X.
Misclassification is their greatest trick—and for that, you don’t even need a real pandemic. Another significant challenge is that they control the world, including the rules by which we measure, collect, and interpret data.
I believe we can’t win by playing within their established framework. The structure of the game is inherently restrictive, designed to sustain the illusion most people accept as reality. It’s constructed in such a way that they cannot lose.
I realised early in 2020 this was not about 'data' or 'science.' If it were, the shots never would have been rolled out and PCR would have never been used. This is about moral courage. I don't play their games.
I'll stick to taking the shortest road from point A to point B. All vaccines and mRNA injections are poisons, harmful and even deadly. That also includes all big pharma drugs. They may only be required in a life or death emergency and that is because the medical mafia doesn't know much about the benefits of using anything other than putrid drugs. So freaking sad.
Good stuff ,and there is loads more . the absolute worst info I have seen is the vaers data showing reported [ known to be as little as 1% of actual ,but accepted as around 10% ] bad reactions by time and batch .Over and above the base line all vax adverse reactions there were batches that showed hugely more adverse events [ this can be backed up by our NZ data supplied by our young NewZealander of the year Barry Young ,who release the govts own data he was put in too collect ,showing around 10 000 fatalities across all ages ,by batch ,clinic and clinician ,some batches were the main killers ,or quick killers ] .The really scary bit was J&J had a several month period in the sun , then Moderna , then Pfizer [ I may have the order wrong on order ] .even worse ,if possible , the last player released a series of batches with incrementally decreasing harm full effects . One would have to conclude they were all given an opportunity to experiment with how much harm they could cause and get away with it ?, give themselves a base line to maximize profitability for sales of treatments ,but not kill of to many clients to quickly . Wish I could attach files 'front line health' had a great examination of macro data 'all cause deaths ' ,info from Denis Rancourt , .The Expose from England showed lots of NHS data ,showing the vast majority of hospital deaths were among the vaxed 1,2 or boosted .
Just show Wilf the harm data during jab deployment in Western Australia - according to the government (their words) we were in 'covid zero' and there was 'no covid circulating in the population.' Injuries could not have been 'due to covid' because they 'shut the borders before covid got us.' Per capita injuries exploded during jab deployment and hospitals collapsed due to jab injuries.
This is specifically for narrative believers. Case closed.
The harm of the covid vaccine has to include its cost. According to yahoo that is $31.9 billion in the US.
That’s a lot of money for something that is debatable whether it was net harmful or not. If the vaccines were as great as they were supposed to be then anyone could look at a graph of covid cases or deaths and point to exactly when the vaccines were introduced. But in fact the opposite happened, the virus exploded AFTER the vaccines.
Not all of the 19,000 plus deaths in VAERS were coincidences, the acceptable death rate for a useless material is zero.
Wilf also includes Australia as an example of no ED for countries that managed to contain the lurgy during shot rollout. This is demonstrably false even on the national level but if you look at individual states (Eg Queensland and Western Australia) that had no COVID, then the data is even clearer.
Of note regarding the ABS methodology, the results for 2021 are only using 2015 - 2019 to calculate the baseline. Had 2020 been used for 2021 baseline, then the resultant ED is much worse.
Very well done Ben, thanks much for assembling and rebutting the points in such a clear and organized manner.
I have one bone to pick regarding "observational studies cannot establish causality". Siri's legal points notwithstanding, there are 1000s of publications over the past several decades establishing very solid theory and methods for causal inference on observational data. The literature spans multiple disciplines including statistics (Rubin), econometrics (Heckman), computer science (Pearl), and psychometrics, and each field has its own terminology and favorite methods. See nice overview book Causal Inference: What If by Hernan and Robins.
All analysis methods leading to causal estimates and conclusions, including those for randomized RCTs, require certain assumptions to be valid (at least approximately) in order to make causal claims. All that said, I've yet to see a really good paper applying modern causal inference methods on vax data.
The Covid shot is not a vaccine. They changed the definition of vaccine to include it and to be classified as vaccines to be exempt from accountability and compensation to those who were injured, disabled, or died because of 1 or more injections.
Hands down the Covid shots are poison which have caused harm or death to millions. The hospital protocol including Remdesivir (Veklury) which is still being promoted and used to this day is another mass homicide situation that must be dealt with, stopped, and guilty promoters brought to justice.
since you and also Steve Kirsch had been so kind to like my last comment. I send you an email to your email mentioned on your mortality website.
It contains infos and links to two data sets. One from Sweden and one from Israel. The one from Sweden is no longer online. But I copied it into my webarchive. Link is in the email.
The data is interessting. The Swedish data shows clearly that between the first and second shot the infection risk is much higher.
The data from Israel shows numbers of the first 80 days of vaccination in Israel. They send it to a German fact checking web site. I guess nobody in the Israelian Government nor the fact checker did any math on it. In my point of view the data looks terrible for the vaccinated.
It is NOT straified for age but according to the data set they vaccinated a bit less than 70.000 people in the first 80 days. As far as I know they started with the medical staff. According to Chat GPT Israel ahs around 34.000 physicians and 59.000 nurses. So I guess not to many elederly are included. But that has to be checked. I have no connection to people in Israel maybe Steve and his team can have a look at the data ad do some background check.
The email contains two Excel Spread sheets. If your email provider or your saftey settings delete such emails give me a short reply here, if you want the data. I will send then an empty email where you can reply. I can then put it in my cloud.
Excellent work, thanks. I came to a similar conclusion.
Well-written and of course, I concur!
Dear Ben. Thanks for the article. If you are looking for an argument that Zero Covid startegy did not stop the spread look at Taiwan.
Taiwan was often used as an example that zero covid works. Correct is that after the start of Covid the spread stopped and that Taiwan had strict meassurments. But Data taken after the spread had stopped showed that Taiwan missed approx. 90% of the infected persons. Allthough they did a lot of testing 90% slipped through. If 90% slip through and are not put in quarantine the spread had not been stopped by the meassurments. I wrote a short artcicle about it. I know you speak German the rest has to use google translate. The credits for that finding belong to Zacki on X.
Misclassification is their greatest trick—and for that, you don’t even need a real pandemic. Another significant challenge is that they control the world, including the rules by which we measure, collect, and interpret data.
I believe we can’t win by playing within their established framework. The structure of the game is inherently restrictive, designed to sustain the illusion most people accept as reality. It’s constructed in such a way that they cannot lose.
I realised early in 2020 this was not about 'data' or 'science.' If it were, the shots never would have been rolled out and PCR would have never been used. This is about moral courage. I don't play their games.
I'll stick to taking the shortest road from point A to point B. All vaccines and mRNA injections are poisons, harmful and even deadly. That also includes all big pharma drugs. They may only be required in a life or death emergency and that is because the medical mafia doesn't know much about the benefits of using anything other than putrid drugs. So freaking sad.
Good stuff ,and there is loads more . the absolute worst info I have seen is the vaers data showing reported [ known to be as little as 1% of actual ,but accepted as around 10% ] bad reactions by time and batch .Over and above the base line all vax adverse reactions there were batches that showed hugely more adverse events [ this can be backed up by our NZ data supplied by our young NewZealander of the year Barry Young ,who release the govts own data he was put in too collect ,showing around 10 000 fatalities across all ages ,by batch ,clinic and clinician ,some batches were the main killers ,or quick killers ] .The really scary bit was J&J had a several month period in the sun , then Moderna , then Pfizer [ I may have the order wrong on order ] .even worse ,if possible , the last player released a series of batches with incrementally decreasing harm full effects . One would have to conclude they were all given an opportunity to experiment with how much harm they could cause and get away with it ?, give themselves a base line to maximize profitability for sales of treatments ,but not kill of to many clients to quickly . Wish I could attach files 'front line health' had a great examination of macro data 'all cause deaths ' ,info from Denis Rancourt , .The Expose from England showed lots of NHS data ,showing the vast majority of hospital deaths were among the vaxed 1,2 or boosted .
Just show Wilf the harm data during jab deployment in Western Australia - according to the government (their words) we were in 'covid zero' and there was 'no covid circulating in the population.' Injuries could not have been 'due to covid' because they 'shut the borders before covid got us.' Per capita injuries exploded during jab deployment and hospitals collapsed due to jab injuries.
This is specifically for narrative believers. Case closed.
I should be sued for writing this article but due to fear of discovery no one has pushed back on me because every word is true:
Great work!
The harm of the covid vaccine has to include its cost. According to yahoo that is $31.9 billion in the US.
That’s a lot of money for something that is debatable whether it was net harmful or not. If the vaccines were as great as they were supposed to be then anyone could look at a graph of covid cases or deaths and point to exactly when the vaccines were introduced. But in fact the opposite happened, the virus exploded AFTER the vaccines.
Not all of the 19,000 plus deaths in VAERS were coincidences, the acceptable death rate for a useless material is zero.
Wilf also includes Australia as an example of no ED for countries that managed to contain the lurgy during shot rollout. This is demonstrably false even on the national level but if you look at individual states (Eg Queensland and Western Australia) that had no COVID, then the data is even clearer.
Of note regarding the ABS methodology, the results for 2021 are only using 2015 - 2019 to calculate the baseline. Had 2020 been used for 2021 baseline, then the resultant ED is much worse.
Very well done Ben, thanks much for assembling and rebutting the points in such a clear and organized manner.
I have one bone to pick regarding "observational studies cannot establish causality". Siri's legal points notwithstanding, there are 1000s of publications over the past several decades establishing very solid theory and methods for causal inference on observational data. The literature spans multiple disciplines including statistics (Rubin), econometrics (Heckman), computer science (Pearl), and psychometrics, and each field has its own terminology and favorite methods. See nice overview book Causal Inference: What If by Hernan and Robins.
All analysis methods leading to causal estimates and conclusions, including those for randomized RCTs, require certain assumptions to be valid (at least approximately) in order to make causal claims. All that said, I've yet to see a really good paper applying modern causal inference methods on vax data.
The Covid shot is not a vaccine. They changed the definition of vaccine to include it and to be classified as vaccines to be exempt from accountability and compensation to those who were injured, disabled, or died because of 1 or more injections.
Hands down the Covid shots are poison which have caused harm or death to millions. The hospital protocol including Remdesivir (Veklury) which is still being promoted and used to this day is another mass homicide situation that must be dealt with, stopped, and guilty promoters brought to justice.
Hi Ben,
since you and also Steve Kirsch had been so kind to like my last comment. I send you an email to your email mentioned on your mortality website.
It contains infos and links to two data sets. One from Sweden and one from Israel. The one from Sweden is no longer online. But I copied it into my webarchive. Link is in the email.
The data is interessting. The Swedish data shows clearly that between the first and second shot the infection risk is much higher.
The data from Israel shows numbers of the first 80 days of vaccination in Israel. They send it to a German fact checking web site. I guess nobody in the Israelian Government nor the fact checker did any math on it. In my point of view the data looks terrible for the vaccinated.
It is NOT straified for age but according to the data set they vaccinated a bit less than 70.000 people in the first 80 days. As far as I know they started with the medical staff. According to Chat GPT Israel ahs around 34.000 physicians and 59.000 nurses. So I guess not to many elederly are included. But that has to be checked. I have no connection to people in Israel maybe Steve and his team can have a look at the data ad do some background check.
The email contains two Excel Spread sheets. If your email provider or your saftey settings delete such emails give me a short reply here, if you want the data. I will send then an empty email where you can reply. I can then put it in my cloud.
Best regards and happy new year!