I don't know about the US. But in Germany the ideal situation was never present. The labs did run double the amount of cycles that could give you a real idea if the person has more then a scrap of whatever the test looks for in his mouth or nostril. It cannot say if it is viable or dead. It can just say it's present. But with a too high number of cycles, we are talking trace amount. I know people with two positive tests and two negative ones on the same day. I don't know if the human genome match could potentially make false positives. But overtesting and a too high number of cycles sure can. Up to well over 90% false positives. Thats why monitoring healthy school children or otherwise symptomless people with PCR isn't a meaningful thing to do. My poor grandniece is becoming an IC nurse. The kid went six times into PCR quarantine, plus two times Corona infection, which not always led to a positive test right when it became interesting in terms of potential transmission. If this even was the goal.

To create numbers and fear, the test was fabulous. And fear is, what Dr. Drosten knows and likes best, he has done so with swine flu before. So yes I believe he made the test to create cases not to detect actual illness, but I cannot say, if the human genome matches can add to that.

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You said "My poor grandniece is becoming an IC nurse." Is this intensive care or infection control? I do infection control for a hospital for both staff and patients. Your comments about cycle counts and high asymptomatic positive are spot on.

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Intensive Care

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Well of course they needed a test that would give positives to something that's never existed. Otherwise there would have been no plandemic.

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Again, boo. So, you think I caught 5G? (Before it even existed in my area.)

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Yeah, yeah, you were sick, you tested positive, therefore it's a bioweapon from China, you're lucky to be alive.


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Which test was that, Mr. mind-reading know-it-all? Fever, bronchial spasms, sore throat, headache, malaise? No, I didn't get a CT scan, nor did I go to China for a PCR test. Perhaps you should hang up your stethoscope.

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This could explain the apparent high false positive rate (asymptomatic positive) I saw in our testing program ... definitely needs more examination.

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There is, I think, (as suggested also by Pete Ross) an explanation why 2 primers were not found in the SARS2 sequence but were in the human. The explanation is that 2 primers for human genome were included as a standard procedure for quantity comparisons. The CDC protocol for the PCR test for covid expressly mentions this: "An additional primer/probe set to detect the human RNase P gene (RP) in control samples and clinical specimens is also included in the panel."

The benefit of this inclusion is explained by a lab technician (Dr. McKernan) here, who says that without this signal you can't make any sense of the rest of the info:


The protocol for the USA and 6 other countries may be found here:


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Phony testing was the central plank of the whole COVID scam.

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More than 12 cycles and you veer dramatcally towards false positive. Default in practise is 28 to 35, therefore, in scientific terms, the reading is 'bullshit'. But, not to worry, Bill is making a bullshit vaccine. Oh, but then this is not news, eh?

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Gates and Fauci both cashed in their shares in Biotech a few months ago. Bill made $550 million and Anthony made over $10 million. Seems crime does pay.

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Fauci too? I didn't know that. Oh yes, indeed, crime has always paid, as long as you have hierarchical aproval and pay your dues. Which reminds me, precisely who is the Godfather since David Rockefeller died in 2017. I know, but who else does. Not one person agrees with me so I'm going out to the garden to eat worms.

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You have agreement here Tony. I've been ignored, ridiculed, assaulted and 'removed' by so many family and friends over the past several yrs, there's only a few left now. The Rockefellers have been, and are key players, but secondary to the De Rothschild/Rothschild family dynasty. Their wealth is now estimated at 500 trillion.

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Know the feeling, Wayne. I first wrote a book revealing the dastardly plot in 2007 and 60 people on planet Earth read it. And got it. But I estimate at least a billion now know it. Even so, few realise that the media ran the entire covid/jab narrative; and by 'media' I mean Rupert Murdoch, who was annointed as his global successor in 1973. And nobody seemed to notice. ie How was it that every politician and bureaucrat had an identical vocabulary?

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What is the title of your book? I'll source a copy for my library.

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Ain't published yet. The publisher is worried about the blowback, which will be considerable. But, in the meantime, it is free as a PDF titled "The Lost Track", obtainable from tonyrryan43@gmail.com

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This is pure speculation, based on nothing, but I will put this out there for the sake of brainstorming. I wonder if they ever went around spraying RNA into the air. (Or DNA? The RT-PCR will detect DNA too, right?) So they could spray this genetic material around at some event, it would get into people's noses who would would then test positive with PCR, and all of a sudden we have a "super-spreader" event. It wouldn't be good to spread around spike RNA because that would be too risky for getting caught, so they could spread some random human-like genetic material.

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The two primers that match to human genome but not to "SARS-CoV-2" genome might be for the purpose of comprising an internal quality control for the RT-PCR process.


"The RNase P internal control has been designed to control for presence of human cellular material in the sample and proper assay execution including sample inhibition, amplification, and assay reagent function. If RNase P is not detected, the Cue COVID-19 Test will return an "Invalid" result.

Author: Elena Garcia

Created Date: 4/1/2021 9:37:54 PM

COVID-19 Cue™ COVID-19 Test Instructions For Use For Professio…

www.fda.gov/media/138826/download "

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Even if this approach is true - which I'm happy to assume - is it broad enough to include all humans?

Or is it possible they excluded some subcategories of humans, so they will always get an invalid test result (and ergo, will never find themselves put onto COVID-19 quarantine murder pathways)? That is to say, 'screw everyone else, we give ourselves a free pass', whoever that genetic group may be?

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Could be. Seems wise to relate to the online digital government genetic databases with an extra dose of skpeticism.

Also, who knows what primer sequences are really being used and abused in these complex qRT-PCR assay kits and PCR machines.

imho, might as well assume that PCR machines are no different than voting machines ....

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My thoughts are, if they were going to fake it, they'd pick an easier route than 'primers' or 'gene detection'. The lateral flow tests could be rigged with acidic fruit juice!

Methinks they're using the PCRs to test for something by stealth that they'd never get approval for in a million years. A golden opportunity to look for a specific subset of genetics or find a particular group of people and eliminate them.

We already know PCR test kits were used to harvest people's DNA information without consent. That DNA profiling has to be with the intent towards a purpose. They don't just 'accidentally' collect someone's DNA profile, 'accidentally' store it, and then 'accidentally' fake a result.

If we take the globalist depopulation agenda seriously, we must also strongly consider the fact they have thought about who lives and who dies. It is doubtful they would just roll the dice and allow probability to decide; they would engineer this like they engineered those poison mRNA shots.

Question is what are they engineering towards? Which group(s) live/die?

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Yeah - this Covid Psyop is a multilayered and multi-country operation, with both Russia and China on board. Decades in the planning and preparation.

So, what's in it for each participant country?

- acquiring additional bio surveillance capabilities to fortify the police state

- expanding medical knowledge

- expanding genetic knowledge for eugenics (cloning a master race) + population control

- ?

- ?

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We shouldn't forget that the CDC didn't even require a PCR test or any other assay for a COVID diagnosis.

Other than that, false positives become a proportionally bigger issue when true positives are low.

When prevalence is zero, tests with less than 100% specificity will create the illusion of whatever is being tested for still being prevalent.

However the low specificity of the tests can only lead to a constant (relative to the number of tests being conducated) background noise of false positives, hence do not explain COVID waves, so I think there is way too much fuzz around this topic.

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Very cool stack. Subscribed!

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Hey Ben. Glad you're helping expose the virus fraud. I just found your stuff recently and now paying for your Substack. I pay for Viroliegy as well. We're all in this together. I'd be honored if you read my book. It covers lots of information but is full of facts studies, but I think is a great introduction for someone just exposed to the no virus view. On Amazon, Vaccines, Viruses, and Bacteria: Not What You've Been Told.


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Kary Mullis would have had a lot to say on this topic. RIP Kary, but I can hear him kick'n down the door of Heaven over what's happened in the past 3years.

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Where is Drosten's thesis that would prove he is a PHD? Dr. Kary Mullis the inventor of the RT PCR test said that his RT PCR test should NEVER be used as a diagnostic tool! I also saw a video of Dr. Kary Mullis saying the same thing and also not thinking too much of Fauci! He was not impressed with him! I read this and watched video at the beginning of

this whole planned pandemic! Dr. Reiner Fullmich efforts to bring this all to trial !

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Here in the UK I am able to like or retweet the article by Likkyleaks, and despite the warning on the Substack link that "it's detected as spam" there's an option to continue ito read the article if you wish to do so. So the ban isn't effective?

Christian Drosten' PCR test has been denounced multiple times by many scientists in that field as early as 2021. It's a travesty that governments are willfully blind to it's unscientific results.

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"As shown above, not all PCR primers suggested by Drosten match the SARS-Cov-2 genome. It remains unclear why."

One of my hypothesis for the whole PCR test scam raised the question of 'what were they actually testing for?'. The first "obvious" answer was a common coronavirus, but that seemed *too* obvious. Then I had a thought - the Midazolam murders indicates the globalists have a eugenics bent (killing off the elderly, the weak, etc), so surely the PCR tests follow the same line of reasoning?

My suspicion - which I had trouble proving - was the PCR tests for specific genetic groups of humans (which ones, is not possible to say). So essentially it's like a genetic purity test kit. Those who test "positive" (read: 'unpure') get put onto COVID-19 murder pathways (per the ICU giving COVID-19 patients higher dosages of drugs for no specified reasons). Your finding of the three human genomes verifies this suspicion.

The question now becomes, which group(s) are they targeting, and who do they exclude?

Working out who they exclude would give us a smoking gun as to the culprit's identity.

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