Dissolving Illusions

Roman Bystrianyk


Is it moral not to tell people the entire truth and instead spin it for your own benefit? For example, did you know the death rate from measles fell by almost 100% before there was a vaccine? If not, do you think you should know?

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All charts from Dissolving Illusions are available here:


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could be related to improved hygiene or something confounding over the same period. A lot changed at that time that dramatically improved health outcomes. Not correct to associate positive outcomes to vaccine without a proper controlled trial.

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Great article! Fantastic. For a deeper dive on the Enders Measles "vaccine" and Ender's role as the foundational scientist in the pseudoscience of virology do check out Episode Two of our documentary: www.theviraldelusion.com

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Taken from Dr Christina Parks telegram Chanel

“Waning immunity that will not last and no booster shot will raise your titers to protective levels ( Link for that FACT)”

Measles Virus Neutralizing Antibodies in Intravenous Immunoglobulins: Is an Increase by Revaccination of Plasma Donors Possible?


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This is excellent--thank you.

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So many well read, critical thinkers here! I love this space!!! Thx Ben for digging in on this!

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Before the vaccine kids just got the measles. Then they were immune. It’s a childhood illness - not a dreaded disease.

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Here is another article from many years ago taking apart the entire measles vaccine ideology written by the extraordinary Stefan Lanka:


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I would never get an MMR vaccine after what Andrew Wakefield went through to warn us about the CDC's lying.

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The autism shot.

All vaccines are deadly.

Vaccines are a satanic child sacrifice.

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Wow, may be the most compelling/accessible thing I ever read about vaccines. Thank you, sir! (Go Bobby!)

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Do you know what measles incidence was like pre-MMR? There is a reason Stu is immune to measles without being vaccinated, and I had to have MMR... Because everybody got measles in childhood before the vax was around. Stu was a child before MMR was invented, and I was born after.

So, did measles magically disappear? I'm just curious what you think happened. Because that was a neat trick if that's what happened. I don't remember anybody getting measles when I was a kid.

The one vaccine I am sad I was born too young for was the chicken pox vax. I got chicken pox at 15 before the chicken pox vax was invented.. Just watch - gonna get shingles, I bet. Ugh.

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Here is the answer to your question. Measles mortality had declined 98.6% BEFORE the measles vaccine was introduced: https://dissolvingillusions.com/graphs-images/#Charts

It did not magically disappear - but it's disappearance had nothing to do with the so called "vaccine." The idea that vaccines make diseases disappear is an outdated superstition that anyone who has read the smallest amount of actual medical history knows already. Sadly, most doctors and the vast majority of the population have not done this research.

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Sure, people.

I'm sure it's just magic that made smallpox disappear. And polio. Tell that to yourselves.

I want you to really think about these things. To be sure, not all viral diseases are equal, but vaccines have had good efficacy for a very long time (remember: vaccines came from using cowpox inoculations to protect against smallpox). Some vaccines, against viruses, like flu, that have many variants and often mutate, are less effective. But if you want to say vaccines don't work at all -- you are simply delusional.

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It is possible that vaccines work, but then I would like to see the actual facts.

The above studies have not shown any clinical benefit in regard to Measles.

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The milkmaids were a lie apparent I read an article on the immunologists website.

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One can rely on superstitions at one's own peril of course but rehashing these claims publicly is another matter. Vaccine efficacy against smallpox has not only never been proven, it's been wildly disproven time and time again. I would suggest reading the book "Dissolving Illusions" By Dr. Suzanne Humphries if you are interested in exploring the actual history behind the absurd claims of vaccine efficacy and the very real history which shows plainly that the smallpox vaccine had no effect whatsoever on smallpox, and that the disappearance of the disease was, like the disappearance of most diseases at the turn of the century, due to changes in sanitation and access to healthy water, air and food as industrial cities cleaned up. Polio is the same story - there is not a single iota of proof that polio was caused by a contagious virus, except for a handful of wildly pseudoscientific articles (of about equal quality to the ones pointed to in the article above) which were seized on by the pharmaceutical industry to justify a polio vaccine and its sister polio-"charity" industry. The polio epidemic was, to any clear-headed observer, most likely the result of insecticide poisoning from the mass spraying of the newly formed insecticides 1900 to 1950's as laid out in many books, but perhaps clearest in the book "Polio: Toxicology Vs. Virology" by Jim West. You can see the chart comparing DDT use to polio rates at his website here: https://harvoa.org/polio/

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Measles outbreaks do occasionally occur--usually blamed on foreigners or the unvaxxed but now I would not automatically believe that. There was an outbreak at Disney some years ago. People can lose immunity too. In the medical world we were taught that folks born in 1957 or earlier have natural and lifelong immunity; since I was born later I am sure I got the Measles vaccine as my Mom was dutiful about taking us kids to the Pediatrician. And, I remember when the Rubella vaccine became available--I was in middle school and we got vaccinated there. About 15 years ago I had to have a measles antibody titer done as I am a healthcare provider--it was negative so I had to get the MMR shots. I reacted wickedly to the first shot--fever, body aches etc so I had to miss work. I didn’t get the second one --and had a measurable antibody titer after that. However I’m pretty skeptical about the utility of those titers. Nothing the CDC or talking academics say these days should be trusted, in my view, thanks to Covid.

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Correct, as I have shown in my article, they essentially reduce the efficacy down to titer levels. Now, I have not researched that in in-depth yet, but my feeling is that titer's are not predicative of clinical outcome either.

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Mary, you should read Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries to understand this. Measles was already at record low levels of occurrence by the time the vaccine came on the market.

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You should check out the work Dr. Gary Goldman did on the chickenpox vax--basically since children no longer get chickenpox any more, we adults do not get periodic exposures to that virus, and get our immunity updated, as it were. So, adults are getting shingles at a younger age. I believe his research was not accepted by his peers, he was at either an academic institution or a Dept of Health.

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Sep 25, 2023
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The original 3 week placebo trial did not report any (S)AE's.

The MMRII insert, did say this:

"Only 8 subjects (3 recipients of M-M-R® II with rHA and 5 recipients of M-M-R® II with HSA) experienced a serious adverse experience during the safety follow-up period. None of these 8 serious adverse experiences was determined by the investigator to be vaccine-related (see ADVERSE REACTIONS). No subjects died during the study and no subjects were discontinued from the study due to an adverse experience."

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