See also "Another proof that lockdowns kill," which is suppressed in google and duckduckgo. It is simple but makes its point with US and UK data. And yes, Covid deaths were overstated, making the results even worse than the reported numbers suggest. See https://elliottmiddleton.substack.com/p/another-proof-that-lockdowns-kill . Great work, Ben.

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Great to see such detailed work.

The cynic in me says that in 2020, the number of deaths due to the usual conditions were classified as C19 deaths - only to switch back to the usual causes in 2021 onwards instead of vaxx deaths.

This does not influence ACM or ASMR of course - at the aggregate levels per age cohort - it simply means the government data is suspect at all levels!

There is a potential "cause and effect" metric that can be used. 30% of the US was "ever vaxxed" - there is susfficient data for ths to be the placebo arm of the 3 year 10 month human experiment - incidences of all causes of death per cause.

We don't know the injuries causes of course, (the distance from dosing attributed to cause - the further from the dose date, the less likely the harm being associated with the dose).

Have you seen the work done here? 1.3 million excess deaths out of a total of 1.7 million over the full period of the scamdemic.


His calc shows extra deaths (from dead or kicking.com) are a million or so higher than his calc of excess deaths.

I "armchair laptop" the VAERS numbers every month here:


All the best


All the best

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Many died right after getting vaccinated with mRNA vaccines.

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You wrote that "A novel pathogen, alleged to cause COVID-19, should theoretically spread equally across all populations."

But what about populations that live on an island where people who fly to the island are required to show proof of a negative PCR test before their flight, and after they arrive they are required to remain in quarantine for two weeks and get tested again before they are released from quarantine?

For example the first COVID case was only reported in April 2022 in Nauru and in December 2022 in Tokelau: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Nauru, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Tokelau.

The first two reported cases in Nauru were in two people who had traveled on the same flight from Australia to Nauru: https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/464521/covid-19-in-the-pacific. They were tested in quarantine because Nauru had required people who arrived to the island to remain 14 days in quarantine since March 2020.

Wikipedia also says this about Marshall Islands: "The virus was confirmed to have reached the Marshall Islands on 28 October 2020, but remained confined to quarantined arrivals (no domestic community spread) until August 2022. The first known community transmission cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Majuro on August 8, 2022, ending the country's COVID-free status." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_Marshall_Islands) So the quarantine system seems to have been fairly effective in preventing community spread.

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That's an assumption. Can you show a blinded controlled experiment where a pathogen was successfully controlled by these type of interventions?

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Your plot for stringency quantiles in 2020-2022 includes separate points for each combination of country and year, so there's 3 points for most countries except Albania which is missing data for 2021 and 2022 (https://gist.github.com/USMortality/ba4a16224539277dbc2d764b4f4ca8eb/297c54fe5e3312b607af3ef9192669cf81829fb6). But it's confounded because there was both low stringency and low excess mortality in 2022:

> data.table(df2)[,.(mean_excess_mortality=mean(asmr_who_ex_p),mean_stringency=mean(stringency_index)),date]|>print(r=F)

date mean_excess_mortality mean_stringency

2020 0.04941194 17998.916

2021 0.09447927 19200.204

2022 0.03732108 7441.233

All 23 points in your very low stringency group are for 2022.

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Yes, that's not idea; however when just looking at 2020 (or even by year) the conclusion remains. I've updated the specific chart to only include 2020 data.

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This is rubbish. I’m out

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Great Job, Ben! Thanks!

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