Can't reason with stupid otherwise I'd forward this to my local MP.

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I send things to public officials mostly so they can't say they didn't know. Regardless of whether or not they look at the information/data, at least it can be said that they had the information. They can't argue ignorance.

In 2021, our local bishop was the poster child for vaccines: he stood next to a picture of the magic potion with the caption 'I have faith in the vaccines'. Besides the fact that it is not the business of the catholic church to give health advice, we're supposed to put our faith in God, not vaccines. My letter pointed to several studies including a very well done meta analysis about vitamin D3 level blood level and it's inverse relationship to covid death rates (Borsche et al published in Nutrients) so that he can never say 'I didn't know'.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Ben

Stupid is tolerable. Willfully stupid not so.

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I sent it anyway. Just so that he has to look at it.

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I'll just send my mp some numbers for the overall general lethality & financial economic damage of the govt c19 response & ask them if they can show why the numbers are wrong if they think they're wrong.

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I wish it wasn’t so, but I’m certain, based on decades of experience and exposure to so-called rational drug design, that these injections are intentionally harmful.

I’ve been warning of this since late 2020. I’ve given approaching 200 interviews.

Censorship and smearing is so strong, that I doubt I’ve reached more than 1% of the population.

I rely on those who believe me to purposefully share the conclusion & any element of rationale. Those of you who’ve done so, thank you.

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Dr. Yeadon, I am so grateful for you; I know many, many around the world feel the same.

I remember you in the early days earnestly warning where this crime would take us all. Regardless of whether this "novel" virus could induce untreatable symptoms (it didn't), the "response" was a 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒. Everything that followed then was the piling on of more crimes, and all along you have been there speaking out. It is why so many of us love, appreciate, and respect you.

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Thank you. I’d swap all the positive feedback for greater reach, in a heartbeat.

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I know of two die hard covid vaxx recipients, one who is 65 the other in his 70’s, who have recently announced they will be taking no more covid jabs. Looking at the current uptake in the USA, many Americans are doing the same. No one has given a reason, but I think we know why.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

One man reaching 1%, thereby altering their decision on a life changing/saving issue, is an enormous achievement.

Your experience and expertise placed you in a position whereby you could greatly assist disparate others.

Your integrity, compassion and courage set you apart from 99.9% of others.

There are few who can look in the mirror and see such an admirable man.

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You are one of the first people I listened to if not THE first, who gave me a factual basis to be a refusenik. I checked your background to make sure you weren't just a 'disgruntled, former Pfizer employee'. Your great credentials showed me you were trustable.

Soon after, I saw a darkhorse podcast with Bret Weinstein, Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch which aligned with you.

I am forever greatful for your honesty and integrity and I think of you every so often.

For what it's worth, I speak out unless I think it will drive the other person deeper into denial. I think I've made a few converts or at least nudged in the right direction.

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Happy to be in the 1% thanks to you, Mike and all you have done and are doing!

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Have you read Dr. Pierre Kory's eight part series on shedding?


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I haven’t. There’s always way too much more to read than I can manage.

I don’t doubt that many people believe it. Reports alone though don’t tell us what’s really happening.

On toxicological grounds, it ought not to be possible. Those grounds are that you cannot shed more than you received. In practise only a tiny fraction of your dose could ever be shed onto & into me.

IF injected people are making others sick, I’m afraid all bets are off in terms of with what people have been injected. It would likely mean they’ve been injected with a self replicating material, which is truly terrifying.

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The injection is not really self-replicating, ie a von Neumann machine. Think of it as a retrovirus instead, with plausible research indicating nuclear incorporation of the mRNA cDNA. Thus some proportion of the injected population will be capable of longterm production and shedding of spikes, viruses, or exosomes.

My wife reacts when in a heavily-spiked crowd but temporarily blocked the effect when she was taking a spirulina supplement last spring.

They are pushing the clot-shots again this fall along with the flu shots in rainy BC.

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I am unvaccinated. Shortly after my brother and sister-in-law were vaccinated twice, they came for a visit to my small house for three days. I was down for a few days when they left. I didn’t know about shedding then, but I’m now certain their close- quarters visit made me sick. I was confused as to why I felt so awful when they left without anything I could point to—like a cold or the flu.

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Sounds like shedding.

However, it could be that you were so worried for them that you became unwell.

Or that you couldn’t get through to them and this caused anguish. Or even that they were unpleasant to you for your decision.

It’s very difficult to unpick this kind of phenomenon. I do not know what happens. Many things are possible.

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Thank you for weighing in, although your alternative explanation makes me wish I hadn't asked.

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Thank you for this!! Despite having never taken these novel 'vaccines', I've had severe heart issues since the mass roll out in my country. Nothing else in my life had changed but the introduction of the jabs. I have no other explanation and yet it's been so hard to find any good info on shedding.

Cardiologist has tried to tell me it's just anxiety despite most days I have symptoms they tell you to get immediate medical attention for. My country's 'health' system has been so overwhelmed I have to wait more than a year just to get an echocardiogram.

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So very sorry to hear about how the jabs have affected you secondhand. I know Dr. Kory is based in the U.S., but he/his practice may be able to provide info/advice that might help you wherever you are located. I'd try contacting them. Praying for you!

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Robert Malone and Brett Weinstein are creating stupid divisions. One might ask whose side they are are on other than their own.

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It’s a good question.

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You didn't need to reach me. I already got it, just like lots of us, based on 1) the urgency of the push to vax EVERYONE and b) the 'its for your own good and grandma's good' line... combine with : When has my gov't EVERY bribed me to do anything GOOD FOR ME? (never). Yeah, and then you and others started chiming in on the dangers of the 'experimental GENE therapy (not a traditional vax) and hey, I'm sold. NO NO NO... and here I am non jabbed with the shedding of the Graphene and the 'bio tech' going on (so, okay I take the IVM, the Borax water and the NAC, right?) and I"m thinking: extinction level of man kind AND animal kind every where for the psycho's pleasures... Jesus and God come quickly we need a through cleansing... of this diseased and dirty world... of the psychopaths please. I'm happy to go, so long as they get harvested too! And face their own judgements...

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Thank you, more like you, please!

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

I remember my daughter's boyfriend getting a new type injectable & mentioning after on that same day that he hadn't had any problems, just some patchy bruising all over the arm involved, from hand to shoulder! Needed it to go on holiday.

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I’ve had 3 jabs and I’m loving that my shedding is killing the unvaccinated. I’m basically like James Bond and Hillary Clinton—I’ve got a license to kill!!

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Strange response to realising you’ve been poisoned.

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ignore the bot.

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I can also shed by farting…I load up on beans before I go to Trump rallies. SBD…silent but deadly. 💀

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Unreal. Look at what we are capable of doing to ourselves

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Why did some people “get it” three years ago, and the majority DID NOT???? Even with the bombardment of propaganda, doesn’t self preservation kick in????


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It’s an ingenious Bioweapon

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Oh the irony—China developed a bioweapon that turned out to be innocuous…while America under Trump developed the effective bioweapon. America is #1!!! At least when Trump was president.

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This is a bloody good question! One part of the answer is that we are deceived by our cocoon of technology into believing that we know what we're doing. The success of that technology has given most people the idea that they can trust the technocrats and they'll be OK.

Unfortunately, the experiences of the past few years have revealed the severe limitations of our knowledge of human biology (and other things). But most people have already ceded responsibility for their well-being to the powers that be. It's going to be hard to get back from here.

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Agree. I'd also say that the macro managerial style of 'delegation' has a lot to do with it. A successful manager delegates and listens/makes decisions based on advice from superiors, peers and subordinates. People then get used to basing their decisions on what they're told. It's those of us who micro manage, who dig deeper, check, check and double check and do our own research, don't get fooled as easily.

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One is many of us turned off television years ago. 2 I started researching all medicines the Drs were trying to give us. 3 I was injured in hospital in surgery . 4 I finally got the connection between the HVP vaccine and my daughters 9 miscarriages. Now ive looked back at many situations in my life and friends,

family life and wondered about the kids jabs and related adverse events including death

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Thank you for this article. The way the nhs is going it would not surprise me if the death rate quadruples! Doctors giving two injections (covid and flu) at the same time despite no data showing the safety or efficacy of this decision. Simple things like trying to get a dr appt and when you do it is never with a doctor. A good friend coming to the end with Parkinson’s sent to a cottage hospital in Somerset instead of the one in our town. His wife, over 80 has no way to visit her spouse. It is heartbreaking🥲. Despair must be setting in as the vaxxed are waking up and realising their gov’t vaxxed them, not once but multiple times, with an unsafe and ineffective gene therapy. I can only imagine their horror.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Ben

Excellent analysis using an MSM acceptable dataset (Our World In Data). The supporting points in the discussion are also fantastic. This needs to be seen more widely.

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Crispy done. A brilliantly sparse piece, with only one plausible interpretation.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023Liked by Ben

I still find myself shaking my head that so many people fell for the Covid Con. The level of hysteria and unshakeable obedience was truly harrowing to witness.

That a vast sum of people would then give themselves up wholly to being injected multiple times with an experimental neurotoxin produced by serial felons was a remarkable and hideous sight.

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Further proof of how critical thinking skills are a precious commodity.

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Deagle report states an expected decrease in US population by 68% ... that’s literally 68% of the United States population dead.. so this isn’t surprising 😢💔

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The WEF must be so disappointed that the deaths are not higher. I'm certain they're working on deploying ever more deadly agendas for us right now, not the least of which is their attempt to starve everyone. They're quite desperate to reach their "sustainable development" (depopulation) goals ASAP.

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I’m fairly certain that the endless jabbing was simply a primer for the next release. The people really will drop like flies. And “people will do as they are told” says Gates.

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Yes. They have prepped the vast majority of the population to be even more likely to die swiftly from whatever they're planning on doing next. And they will blame the next round of deaths on a "novel" new "bug" in order to justify more severe lockdowns, injection mandates, etc.

The writing is SOOOO clearly on the wall. They BRAG about their plans to murder most of us, and they brag about how they will pull it off. And still, people will say "they would never do that."


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Anthrax vaccine being released soon... hum.. cipro for anthrax, just sayin.. get your drugs for your own peace of mind, and start looking into what beats what.. just sayin..maybe some iodine for radiation in case of dirty bomb..

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Yes. There's no telling what they will do to avoid the gallows for their crimes against humanity. They're in too deep to stop now.

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But, but, but, ANYONE who registers as D is automatically the most intelligent and compassionate human on earth. Whose only desire is to “save” humanity on a myriad of levels. This does not compute (say the sheeple) Not that the rhinos have helped a damn bit mind you…..,

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We are seeing that BOTH "sides" want most of us DEAD. A few random Republicans are talking about this extermination - but most are funded by pharma AND the military industrial complex.

The worst is on the left where even when they are aware of the extermination, they secretly desire to see most of us dead "cuz climate change." Seems most of the evil is concentrated on the left.

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Great post. Thank you!

Crude mortality rates seem to tell a cleaner story. Is age-standardised mortality legitimate or is it another fudge factor used to hide what’s going on (such as only categorising adverse incidents among that vaccinated after 7, 14 or 21 days, for the first couple of years at least)?

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Perhaps an interesting comparison case would be the 20 least vaccinated developed countries?

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Please scroll up first and at least read my comments under “Discussion”.

You cannot establish vaccine efficacy, say, by comparing Denmark to Bulgaria. Also, correlation <> causation. At best, compare each countries' outcome before and after the intervention.

It has to be explained, why excess mortality is higher than 2020. It does not line up!

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I was really just trying to see the context of an 11% mortality excess. My suggestion probably wasn't very helpful!

On a procedural point, you wrote "HDI was used as an indicator, to quickly control for several confounders," I accept that it's a quick and dirty way of doing this but if you're going to use it this way then maybe you should have set it higher. As far as I know, Bulgaria has an HDI over 0.8.

There is mounting evidence that the vaccines were manufactured with a different process from that used in the clinical trials (to save money, I assume). The 'process 2' products seem to have been highly contaminated with DNA fragments. We don't know how they were distributed across the recipient nations - whether a batch used in Bulgaria was made in the same place as a batch in Denmark. It's conceivable that they sent the cheapest stuff to the poorest countries.

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It's not just an interesting comparison, it's the most informative comparison.

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Out of countries with HDI above 0.8, 13 out of 20 countries with the lowest percentage of vaccinated population were Eastern European (when using the latest value available for OWID's people_vaccinated_per_hundred metric). And most Eastern European countries had a low number of COVID deaths until late 2020, so Eastern European countries had relatively low excess mortality in 2020.

So for the 20 lowest-vaccinated countries with HDI above 0.8, when I calculated excess CMR from data at Mortality Watch using the linear trend in 2015-2019 as the baseline, the median excess mortality was about 13% in 2020, about 27% in 2021, and about 6% in 2022: https://pastebin.com/raw/Xw4ZX1yN. But if I would've only included the second half of 2020, then the median excess mortality in 2020 would've been much higher.

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Thanks for supplying the figures.

I don't understand your remark about the second half of 2020! Do you mean that the 2020 data is incomplete? For some or all countries in the list?

On the face of it, the differences between 2020 and 2021 are quite alarming in some countries. Fortunately they seem to fall back a bit in 2022. There are obvious outliers like Lichtenstein so to tease out the confounding factors needs more parameters.

I think this shows that HDI is OK as a first approximation but we probably can't draw any general or definitive conclusions.

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Among the 20 countries with the lowest percentage of vaccinated population and HDI above .8, the average excess CMR at OWID was about -1% in the first half of 2020 but about 26% in the second half of 2020:







So the reason why the countries had relatively low excess mortality in 2020 was because they had low mortality in the first half of 2020.

You can see monthly excess mortality in Eastern European countries from this heatmap: https://mongol-fi.github.io/nopandemic.html#Claim_that_sudden_surges_in_all_cause_mortality_in_spring_2020_occurred_only_in_the_northern_hemisphere_western_world.

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There was hardly anyone vaccinated in 2020 (in the US, only healthcare professionals), so not too informative. 2021 and 2022 (and eventually 2023) would be most informative.

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Almost four years ago now, we were all still sleepwalking… trusting that government and all of our Health and Human Services agencies and hospital systems would take care of us. It was unthinkable that they could be as evil as they ALL turned out to be. All the people running things have had their prices met now and are making most of their underlings into unwilling minions who are an army of cowards doing what they know is wrong but are afraid to speak up for fear of losing their livelyhoods. Profit before people in those institutions that have so much control and influence in our lives and over our personal health is the reality we all now face.

Good old King George did the same thing to the colonies in the late 1700’s. What is happening today is a lot like what developed in the late 1700’s, and you know what happened then. We are a MAJORITY and a majority of us are angry. Many of us have been killed and or have had our lives ruined. The nation has turned into a powder keg. All it takes is a spark! It is time for good old King George…

CDC/NIAID/FDA/CNN/NBC/EPA/BILL GATES/ WHO/ WEF/KLAUS SCHWAB/the white house… the rich men north of Richmond to tone down the hubris and start acting like humans before they experience a tsunami of pitchforks and torches at the palace gates.

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Ooh how I wish this would happen

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I see no other path unless the let up and stop doubling down on the criminal behavior. History has shown us that a people can be pushed just so far before they snap.

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With all that know about these injections (I am not trained in this field), it seems that surviving multiple injections of this poison for any length of time will be sort of a miracle. So what we are seeing now is just the tip of a giant iceberg of death that lies under the waves of our world. I hope I am wrong.

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Add to that the unvaccinated inadvertently vaccinated via shedding. See eight part article at Dr. Pierre Kory's Substack: https://substack.com/@pierrekory

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Yep, as a thrice jabbed American I go to Trump rallies just to shed and kill white trash…you’re welcome! I’m like a God with the power to kill!!

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Are there more humans alive and living longer due to the use of any big pharma product? Your body abhors all big pharma toxins and requires none to survive and live long.

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