
Also check out my follow up article on Vaccine Efficacy: https://usmortality.substack.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-efficacy-against

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023Liked by Ben

Since the ONS released the previous version of their dataset last summer, I've been thinking that the reason why the ONS stopped releasing new versions of their data may have been that in the previous release, the trend seemed to be that the unvaccinated all-cause ASMR was soon going to dip below the ever-vaccinated ASMR. In the previous release in May 2022, the unvaccinated ASMR was only about 6% higher than the ever-vaccinated ASMR (872.9/822.6), but for some reason in the current release, the unvaccinated ASMR in May 2022 is now about 22% higher than the vaccinated ASMR (1147.5/941.2): https://i.ibb.co/znpDbyK/ons-current-vs-previous-release.png / R script: https://pastebin.com/raw/MqaeLpsN. I don't think the change from the 2011 census to the 2021 census would explain such a drastic difference.

From August 2021 until April 2022, the ever-vaccinated all-cause ASMR in the current version is mostly unchanged from the previous version. However the unvaccinated all-cause ASMR has been shifted considerably upwards especially starting from November 2021.

I think in the previous version, the huge spike in unvaccinated all-cause ASMR around February 2021 was because they classified people as unvaccinated for two weeks after their first jab. There was a similar huge spike among single-jabbed people in summer 2021 when the second jab was rolled out and among double-jabbed people in winter 2021-2022 when the third jab was rolled out: https://i.ibb.co/D7tbXYg/ons-all-cause-asmr-previous-version.png / R script: https://pastebin.com/raw/8aAK1Gip. The spikes came earlier in older age groups which received the second and third shots earlier.

BTW the new version has multiple errors in tables 3, 4, and 5:

- In tables 3 and 4, the data for female all-cause mortality ranges from April 2021 to December 2021, but the data for male all-cause mortality, male and female COVID mortality, and male and female non-COVID mortality all range from January 2021 to September 2021.

- If for example you look at the number of all-cause deaths in the unvaccinated group in table 3, the sum of females in April 2021 (1753) and males in January 2021 (1803) adds up to the total number of deaths of both sexes in April 2021 in table 1 (3556). And similarly if you look at all-cause deaths in the unvaccinated group in table 3, the female person-years in April 2021 (830492) and male person-years in January 2021 (796882) add up to the total person-years in April 2021 in table 1 (1627374). The data for males is similarly shifted three months backwards for other months.

- Also in table 5, all-cause mortality is listed from April 2021 to December 2022, but deaths involving COVID are listed from January 2021 to September 2022.

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Thx. you might be right.

I've also reported the issues to ONS.

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Good work highlighting the discrepancies and changes in their data from previous data release

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So the unvaxxed are dying of Covid while the vaxed are just dying of everything.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Ben

A pandemic of unvaccinated would see excess deaths and unvax covid deaths match up but nope

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They tried to hide the deaths or attribute the deaths to something else during the Black Plague too. It didn’t work then and I won’t work now. But back then the authorities who were trying to hide the facts were not “responsible” for the deaths. They were just trying to lower the panic and negative reaction levels. These folks are genocidal criminals and will do anything to evade the hangman.

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023

Why doesn't it bother anyone that this observational and extremely-bias-prone data does not match the Pfizer and Moderna “gold standard” randomized blinded clinical trial mortality data? In the clinical trials, the net effect of mRNA vaccination was "4 killed for every 3 saved". The separate Pfizer and Moderna trials BOTH showed a 15-17% increase in non-COVID deaths, and specifically a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths, with vaccine versus placebo.

Pfizer: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf – Table S4

Moderna: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf – Table S26

4 reasons that may explain why the observational data doesn't match the gold-standard RCT data:

1. Healthy/wealthy vaccine user bias

2. Unblinded health care professionals to patient vaccination status (many have witnessed unvaccinated sometimes getting subpar care in hospitals)

3. (Ironic) AstraZeneca actually had a big lifesaving effect in its RCT (AZ was used as primary series for much of the UK population), which may be countering a negative effect of mRNA in the overall data

4. The data simply may not be (completely) reliable. If it were from China, Russia, or wherever, many people simply wouldn't trust it, therefore it is a fallacy to fully trust it just because it's from the UK. The US CDC, for instance, made major "corrections" to add in omitted deaths to its 2021 data two months ago, long after people aren't paying as much attention. The Pfizer/Moderna RCT data are almost certainly much more trustworthy than any government data because of legal consequences if a company overtly falsifies clinical trial data. This is evident in the fact that both of their RCTs did admit no lives saved overall, and excess non-COVID/cardiovascular deaths.

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The non-covid mortality rates by vaxx status show strong evidence of healthy vaccinee bias. Everyone was told "you should not attend a vaccine appointment if you are self-isolating, waiting for a COVID-19 test or unsure if you are fit and well". Because only the 'fit and well' were allowed to be vaccinated, each successive vaccination rollout selectively removed healthy people from the preceding cohort. The higher concentration of unhealthy people left in the preceding cohort is associated with a steep rise in mortality and the appearance of greater of vaccine effectiveness. https://dontboremewithdetail.substack.com/i/106190743/are-non-covid-mortality-rates-correlated-with-vaccine-rollout

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My trust in our overlords does not extend to trusting THEIR reported figures over MY first-hand observations and second-hand observations from my conversations with health care workers who are willing to tell me their stories.

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The data is a mess. It is unbelievable that they govt and regulators haven't got this sewn up when an experimental drug has been given to 70% of the population. And I think we can have a good guess why not. Have we ever even clarified if the people killed by the vax are being classifed as unvaxed in the first 2-4 weeks?

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Check it out -

UK released All-Cause Mortality Data by Vaccination Status. Lets compare those to Canadian data.


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