Makes you wonder what's in that vaccine...

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Author

If the hypothesis holds true, it's (partial) mRNA that encodes for a useless (and still potential toxic sequence). I think the major driver of the side effects are just the LNP's, but I could be wrong, as there's not much evidence to challenge this, afaik....

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When you learn that DNA (and also RNA) is fake and ghey then I am not sure if any mRNA is even in there encoding anything :) But yes, my husband who has been working with LNP's in mice (drug delivery) was saying back in 2020 how their mice that got injected were dying but still many that knew these data got the jab.


And yes, my husband who has been working with LNP's in mice (drug delivery) was saying back in 2020 how their mice that got injected were dying but still many that knew these data got the jab. So LNP's are the real poison (no spike protein needed as there is zero proof that such a thing even exists)

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Read Dr. Mary's Monkey.

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After 4 years you still don't know? Have you never heard anything about Dr. Campra and graphene oxide?

The vaccines have been analyzed for years by several independent doctors around the world, none of them found mRNA or spike, no biological material

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The (CDC)Center for Democrat Control ought to immediately admit that the Monkey 🐵 Pox is also without SCIENTIFIC support. That the Communist Demon Rats merely seek to use mail in ballots. !!!!!!!!!!

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Aug 22Liked by Ben

The term LNP sounds sexy, but is misleading!

Before 2020 pharmacists and chemists would have called these things micelles.

Particles suggest solid state, but this is fantasy, not reality.

Micelles disintegrate once reaching an organism; there are too many membranes, too many similar things.

Evidence: The Pfizer’s distribution study in rats. They measured not „LNPs“, but nothing else than tritium-labelled (3H) cholesterol. It went to all tissue cholesterol would „like“ to go based on its lipophily, e.g. brain, ovaries etc. That study was simply ridiculous! 50-80 years earlier, OK … nevertheless they were able to deceive so many “scientists”. But in deception they were always excellent!

Hence, few seconds or minutes after injection these micelles disintegrate completely and sets free every single compound: Cholesterol, the ALCs (or the SM-102 in case of Spikevax), and the phosphocholinester; and of course the modRNA. These micelles or as the the MS thinks: LNPs will vanish.. All these substances will be distributed, metabolized, and finally excreted, as any other compound.

Now, do you really think that these tiny amounts, administered as single doses about 3 weeks apart, could be as harmful as the modRNA???

Certainly, it was not correct that Pfizer, seemingly, did not investigate their toxicity or their pharmacokinetics. But think about! Were or are these things really THE problems?

Extremely unlikely.

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Aug 22Author

Interesting post. Yes I've been questioning if the LNP+mRNA truly lead to protein production as advertised, do you know?

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No, I did not know.

I know that few (I have forgotten her name, mainly influenced by Lanka), think this.

I think this is extremely unlikely and has no pharmacological basis. In fact, most if not all vaccinnees had strong reactions. Almost impossible with the tiny doses of these excipients.

Moreover, you cannot explain all the long-term effects of these "vaccines" by these excipients.Think of the long-term effect on birth rates and the excess mortality. Or "long-Covid / post vac" or the increased infection susceptibiltiy. From two isolated tiny doses of the ALCs or the phosphocholin ester???

You would have to rewwrite all pharmacological textboodk.

Please consider this: Isn't it in the best interest of "them" if we argue away from the true problems?

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Aug 23Author

I think it matters what's actually going on. If we don't know, we should not intervene until we fully understand.

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„until we fully understand“.

I honestly disagree.

1. Who is „we“?

You and me appear to agree that the CDC has not got any prove of the true existence of SC2. But it also appears that already Steve Kirsch is not yet convinced. Not speaking about persons like Fauci, Hotez, Drosten, or Lauterbach.

2. I oversee 4 ½ decades of experience with drugs. Usually they are rather thoroughly characterized preclinically, mainly “in house”, and the companies knew how they could work, namely usually very targeted. As soon as the compound has passed the Phase-3 clinical trial program and got licensed, the marketing people together with academia love inventing many other additional “mechanisms of action” (MOA). These new MOA are usually complete fake, cf. Ioannidis “Why most published research findings are false” and the “publish or perish”.

Hence, the "fully" understand might never occur, but might be very misleading, because based on nonsense and fake.

Not a reasonable argument to wait for.

3. Instead, if there is a potential cure or potential protection for XY, then we really need:

3.1 Reliable data

3.2 Reasonable data

3.3 An overall convincing concept

In case of the modRNA vaccines, neither was fulfilled:

3.1 The companies were allowed to manipulate data and analysis strategies. And they used their “freedom”.

3.2 They hardly ever provided reasonable data. Reasonable data would have been: Can the vaccines prevent disease or symptoms? Such data were covered! Instead we got almost only the prevention of positive RT-PCR-tests as surrogate for efficacy. But is this a vaccine-relevant endpoint? Yes, if you consider all the lockdown and quarantine, i.e. artificial measures. No, if you consider health and risks.

3.3 The concept of modRNA is highly questionable and, at least to me, still unproven. Yes, these jabs prevented the RT-PCR-tests to become positive after 11-12 days. This is certainly an effect, meaning the modRNA must have done something.

But now consider that they administered 10 trillions of modRNA filaments per dose! Really a lot for their story. And really a lot when considering the prolonged half-life of the modRNA, far prolonged (but in fact, still unknown) compared to natural mRNA. However, replacing a natural nucleotide by an artificial one must have negative impact on the reproducibility of the reading at the ribosomes. And you should consider the increased possibility of some breaks into shorter filaments. Both aspects might cause additional risks and cannot provide any benefit.

But not only these MOA issues, not even speaking about the very doubtful stories on “spikeproteins”, the issues with the SC2 itself, or the issues with plasmids and DNA in the jabs.

Please tell me, how it could be ever possible to do reasonable quality assurance in that the said Tozinameran has really and without exception the claimed sequence.

I am convinced that such quality assurance would be impossible at all. And I never heard anybody really contradicting.

Maybe you have an idea for this?

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Hunanity needs that letter without the blacked outparts sent to Todd.callender@cotswoldgroup.net for Nuremberg 2.0 Global 🤓 never bow to evil! 😈 👉 💥 🐀 🐁 🐁 🪤 Support Todd Candeller's clouthub.com to get all the Satanic Ratts arrested Nuremberg 2.0 style globally 🕺 🎶 https://rumble.com/user/Vaxxchoice

share this to save the world 😏

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Did you see this?


of SARS-COV2 variants – overlaying each variant at the Angstrom level – the role of Heparin Sulphate plus evolving bindng domains – one for the experts in the field!

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Aug 20Author

No, but before I'd jump into any subsequent analysis that relies on the sequence - I'd like to see conclusive evidence of the genome's validity & existence in nature.

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Exactly! They keep building on rotten or non existent foundation :) Most scientists are fools with one or two degrees when there are 360 degrees out there.

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WOW! This one should have been a front page news if our world was normal. Great work Ben! This is in line with the fraudulent cell-culture "isolation" procedures done in virology where they actually do the exact opposite than isolation of a "virus". Also explains all the "variants" that they use to scare us which are nothing but variants of computer outputs.

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There's a meme out there that says "Variants are simply the inability to reproduce results".

I would agree.

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beware the international health regulations for more information check out citizengo.org also the james roguski substack

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Yet another "conspiracy theory" proven correct ,

How much longer B4 they admit that the Monkey Virus is ....well monkey business

How much longer B4 they admit that the CONvid19 Shot ,[ the clot shot, the rona jab ] causes rashes

which look like the ones they claim are caused by MONKEY POX


Here is an electron microscopy of the monkey virus :


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I would call it money pox or money box.

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Wonder how LA County was able to fire employees who refused to register and test weekly with fulgent genetics when there's never been a validated.

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No spike protein is available bcz no virus is available. And no mRNA. Everything they say is scientifically unsubstantiated.

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What is in vaccines


Telegram translate:

“Viral vaccines":

A poison cocktail - based on suffering, death and fiction

🧫 What is contained in the so-called "vaccines"?

- Cells from aborted human fetuses

- Cancer cells

- Monkey kidney cells

- Embryonated cells or incubated chicken eggs

- Fetal bovine serum from calves killed in agony

- Potent neurotoxins (e.g. aluminum compounds)

- Squalene

- Antibiotics

- Nanoparticles

- Foreign DNA

⚠️ These are just some of the insane ingredients that are injected directly into small babies, children and adults.

🔴 Vaccine damage, sometimes with fatal outcomes, is practically the order of the day. A healthy child can become a child that is permanently damaged within a few days. An example: Autism after the MMR shot (measles, mumps, rubella).📍

The crux of the matter:

None of these vaccines has ever been proven to contain a pathogenic virus. There is also no evidence of the alleged effectiveness and safety ❗️

The wasted money on this is the least of our worries. What is more serious, however, are the people (babies, children, adults) who have become ill and died and all the suffering of the animals who are victims of this pseudo-science called virology every day.

🅾️ The only way to change this is to address the question of the existence of viruses ❗️

The refutation of the claim of the existence of viruses is no longer a question, but a scientifically well-documented fact ❗️

Every day, millions of babies and small children are vaccinated against many alleged, supposedly dangerous "diseases". During the legally required U-examinations, parents are repeatedly faced with the "persuasive powers" of doctors who scare them with horror stories and try to convince them of supposedly important "vaccinations". Even if they are actually against a "vaccination", many parents then allow themselves to be "convinced" (out of fear) of an alleged benefit and ultimately agree to the "vaccination" of their child.

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Roger Andoh writes that he has no possibilities, no methods, no technical means to prove the claim of the existence of SARS-CoV-2 in reality in the year 2024, four years after the most serious human rights interventions of modern times were enforced.

How then is transmission supposed to take place via the breath/air, which is de facto outside the body?

If viruses can only exist in cell mixtures that also contain foreign genetic material and toxic drugs how is it possible to claim that any alleged viral particles are the cause of disease?

Example: to find out which animal species I am allergic to, I don't take a single hair from each species separately and test my reaction, but!!!!

Virology: I mix cat fur, dog fur, bird feathers, monkey skin, hamster litter and animal food as well as some antihistamines into a paste and have the mixture pumped under my skin, into my brain or a cup of it into my lungs so that I know which animal triggers allergic reactions in me. Because one after the other in a natural way, with skin contact, it would be too logical.

If this is not braindead, what else is?

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Do they have these data for measles? Chickenpox? Others?

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The cdc is only answering for itself. They are limited in their research/knowledge as is obvious these past few yrs. They don't have good reasons to exist, really. Try another agency to foia.

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the questions you sent were carefully formed. But they do NOT prove what are you claiming. The virus has been whole genome sequenced in 90 countries using multiple techniques including de novo WGS, and oxford nanopore sequencing, and Sanger Sequencing, and hybrid sequencing. They all get the same answer.

I don't know a single respected virologist who would tell you otherwise.

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Aug 22Author

What am I claiming Steve? The questions were carefully formed in order to see if the CDC has verified the de novo assembled genome, indeed. They have not. I’m happy to explain this to you hands on, with actual proof. Offer stands, just let me know!

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Ben, Steve does NOT want to know. I know the feeling. He is keeping that house of cards of his propped up with toothpicks at this point :)

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Hi. Do you happen to have a timeline that shows each of these sequencing endeavors? Thanks.

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Aug 22Liked by Ben

Do you know many "single respected virologist" who would like to loose their faces?

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How is that supposed to happen, the alleged 'whole genome sequenced' when they never have the whole thing on its own, seperated from everything else? How do you know what you have sequenced when the material is always a mixture? It can't be that the template tells you what you have, because the template would be the result of the thing first to be found and separated from everything else. This has never been done. Roger Andoh states they didn't have, because there is no technique to do a pure isolation of the THING.

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Steve, you are in denial as you don't want your world to fall apart!!!!! Sad to see how you are unable to let go of your EGO!

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SARS-CoV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon:

A Truth Revealed through Uncovering a Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud

Li-Meng Yan (MD, PhD)1, Shu Kang (PhD)1, Jie Guan (PhD)1, Shanchang Hu (PhD)1 1Rule of Law Society & Rule of Law Foundation, New York, NY, USA. Correspondence: team.lmyan@gmail.com


Two possibilities should be considered for the origin of SARS-CoV-2: natural evolution or laboratory creation. In our earlier report titled “Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route”, we disproved the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 arising naturally through evolution and instead proved that SARS-CoV-2 must have been a product of labora no tory modification.

Despite this and similar efforts, the laboratory creation theory continues to be downplayed or even diminished. This is fundamentally because the natural origin theory remains supported by several novel coronaviruses published after the start of the outbreak. These viruses (the RaTG13 bat coronavirus, a series of pangolin coronaviruses, and the RmYN02 bat coronavirus) reportedly share high sequence homology with SARS- CoV-2 and have altogether constructed a seemingly plausible pathway for the natural evolution of SARS- CoV-2.

Here, however, we use in-depth analyses of the available data and literature to prove that these novel animal coronaviruses do not exist in nature and their sequences have been fabricated.

In addition, we also offer our insights on the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 may have originated naturally from a coronavirus that infected the Mojiang miners.

Revelation of these virus fabrications renders the natural origin theory unfounded. It also strengthens our earlier assertion that SARS-CoV-2 is a product of laboratory modification, which can be created in approximately six months using a template virus owned by a laboratory of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The fact that data fabrications were used to cover up the true origin of SARS-CoV-2 further implicates that the laboratory modification here is beyond simple gain-of-function research.

Research papers


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Respected virologists LOL LOL LOL

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Aug 22Author

That indeed is a problem. There have been several instances in human history, where widely accepted beliefs, often propagated by experts or authorities, were later proven to be incorrect. Thus, this line of reasoning is obviously not helpful.

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